CBD Northern Lights Autoflower

CBD Northern Lights Autoflower

  • THC LEVELS: 1%
  • CBD LEVELS: 12%
  • VARIETY: Mostly Indica
  • FLOWERING TIME: 8-10 Weeks
  • FLAVOR: Sweet, Spicy
  • EFFECTS: Relaxed, Sedative


Price : $60.00$120.00

SKU BCA1011 Categories ,

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CBD Northern Lights Autoflower is a cannabis strain known for its medicinal benefits and ease of production. It is a popular option for new growers since, being an autoflowering strain, it can complete its growth cycle in only 8-10 weeks. This strain is well-known for its high CBD content, which may aid with pain treatment, anxiety alleviation, and inflammation. It also has a low THC level, making it an excellent choice for individuals who do not wish to experience the high effects associated with regular cannabis strains.

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5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 15 Seeds, 20 Seeds

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