CBD White Widow Autoflower

CBD White Widow Autoflower

  • THC LEVELS: 10%
  • CBD LEVELS: 10%
  • VARIETY: Mostly Indica
  • FLOWERING TIME: 8-10 Weeks
  • FLAVOR: Fruity, Sweet
  • EFFECTS: Euphoric, Relaxed


Price : $60.00$120.00

SKU D134 Categories ,

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CBD White Widow Autoflower is a popular cannabis strain due to its high CBD content and low THC levels. It is a hybrid strain created by crossing the White Widow with a CBD-rich strain. This strain is low-maintenance and simple to cultivate, making it a popular option for individuals searching for a low-maintenance strain. CBD White Widow Autoflower is well-known for its relaxing qualities and is often used medicinally to treat symptoms of anxiety, pain, and inflammation.

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5 Seeds, 10 Seeds, 15 Seeds, 20 Seeds

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